1. What Are Kratom Strains?
  2. Green Malay
  3. White Vein Maeng Da
  4. Green Vein Borneo

Working in this bustling modern world, with distractions everywhere and focus almost a rare commodity to have, finding natural remedies to boost concentration has become my pursuit. Thankfully my life got better when I went to buy kratom online, it became my answered prayer.

Kratom or Mitragyna speciosa, is a plant belonging to the coffee family that is well-known for its medicinal benefits, particularly enhancing focus. However with tons of kratom online, each offering unique properties, choosing the right one to enhance concentration is a bit daunting. I, too, was in your shoes not too long ago. But the good thing is now that you’re here, you don’t have to buy kratom a lot or test a handful of kratom products to know what’s best for focus.

In this blog, I have narrowed down the list into four strains that enhance concentration. But first let’s give you a little background about kratom strains.

Kures Apothecary | Top Kratom for Focus: Top Strains that Enhance Concentration

What Are Kratom Strains?

In today’s marketplace, various kratom strains appear having different names and color. But what does it all mean?

Well firstly, let’s talk about the colors. Kratom plants differ in color depending on the color of the leaf veins during the harvest season plus its color from the drying and fermentation methods applied. But you may wonder, where does White Bali, Red Vein Thai, and other names come from? The second names of these strains are simply the places where they are originated.

Now let’s get to the point – the best kratom strains for enhancing focus. Here are my top four:

Green Malay – My Reliable Companion

In my opinion as a seasoned kratom enthusiast, this strain has been an great ally in boosting my concentration. Note this – this strain is like the middle-of-the-road kind of stimulation, also good for pain relief. It has this perfect balance of energy and clarity that I need to sustain me in my 8-hour work shift. Plus, it doesn’t give me the jitters unlike other strains – just what I need for a long day of looking and checking products for my quality assessment work. I usually take this an hour before work. So far it’s one of the longest lasting kratom products I’ve tried and it doesn’t have any side effects in my case. GREEN THAI is my go-to kratom strain.

White Vein Maeng Da – Swift Productivity Surge

If you like to get things done right away, I suggest taking WHITE VEIN MAENG DA Kratom. With Maeng Da being the strongest strain, this really gives me the instant surge of mental acuity. Whenever I take this I usually find myself fully-immersed on my tasks, almost unaware of my surroundings. This keeps me focus, alert, and really awake in a calm way. It has this unique combination of energizing effects and focus for you to get through your day – regardless of the circumstance. My co-workers and superiors often commend whenever I use this product during work, because I literally don’t budge off my tasks – not until I finish. It makes me set my priorities straight. Concentration plus energy-boost, thumbs up for Maeng Da.

Green Vein Borneo – A Clean Slate of Clarity

Rounding off my list is the GREEN VEIN BORNEO. Its clean energy boosting capabilities and mental clarity effects provides me conviction that nothing bad is going to happen to my day. I’ve survived tons of presentations and interviews with this product. I can say it’s the beacon of energy boost and focus. Though some say white strains are less potent that green strains, I use this Green Vein Borneo strain during emergency meetings and in worst case scenarios. Also less with the side effects just like the Green Malay, but gives more powerful pain relief.

Overall, my relationship with kratom products before is usually just testing and trying out, until I boiled down my options around these three strains. The Green Malay, White Vein Maeng Da, and Green Vein Borneo has played a pivotal role not only in my corporate life but also personally. But always remember – buy kratom online with mindfulness and responsibility. Try to start with small doses first and listen to your body or how it reacts. Eventually, kratom will be a valuable tool for a more fulfilling and empowered life.

Get Your Kratom Needs in

Here at, we have curated the best selection of kratom products online for different necessities. Whether you ought to buy kratom for an energy boost, sustained mental clarity, or a blend of relaxation and focus, our extensive range of products are readily available. With our top-notch customer services, we have been a trusted source of many kratom enthusiasts. What are you waiting for? Step into the kratom goodness and visit our website.


  • Kratom is a medicinal plant of the coffee family widely-used for enhancing focus.
  • The Green Malay gives the longest duration of effects.
  • White Maeng Da is a fast-acting and the most potent focus-enhancing strain.
  • Green Borneo is the perfect balance between energy boost and mental clarity.
  • offers the highest quality Kratom products online, complimented by an intuitive online store that will guide you smoothly on your Kratom adventure, whether you’re a novice or a seasoned user. 
